
To increase the motivation and reduce disparities in learning outcomes of low skilled adults by suggesting digital program based on NOOCs method for new skills and competences development. To meet the above mentioned needs and implement the objectives, the partnership will prepare 2 intellectual outputs: Training program, Methodology for adul'ts educators on running training program.

Objects of the project

Nano Open Online Courses for Low skilled Adults (ADU-NOOC) is co-financed by the European Commission within the Erasmus Program KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for adult education.

ADU-NOOC will assure the recognition of the existing competences by using assessment tool and will encourage development of new competences for low skilled people in Europe. According to the Strategic framework - Education & Traomomg 2020 Adult learning is crucial for low qualified people as they may require different skills from those that they used in their countries of origin for their new careers.

According to the data of the need analysis in EU and partner countries national context, the following needs are addressed within the project, i.e. to develop the training program for competences development of low skilled and qualified adults and to suggest the methodology for adult's educators on running training program to gain new necessary skills.

Target group

Low skilled people, low qualified people, disadvantaged groups.


National Association of Distance Education (NDMA)

The major purpose of NADE is to provide equal learning opportunities to all Lithuanian citizens, despite their place of living. There are a lot of opportunities for activity in Lithuania, and they are still growing, but it is possible to use them only with the heklp of common efforts of universities and certain governmental institutions, but here we need our active communication and participation in creative process of DE.
